Your Complete Guide on How Bacteria can Spread


Your Complete Guide on How Bacteria can Spread

Germs is another name for Bacteria

This is your Complete Guide on how bacteria can spread. Germs are present everywhere. They are both useful and harmful for humans. Yet, some bacterial strains have the potential to cause severe diseases in humans. For example, Typhoid, food poisoning, Cholera, Pneumonia, Dysentery, and many more.

Microbes are also another name for Bacteria

An infection results when harmful microbes enter our body. To prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in our body, doctors recommend antibiotics. However, overuse of antibiotics results in antibiotic resistance. It is a huge threat when treating bacterial diseases. Therefore, prevention is best, and is possible by maintaining good hygiene practices. Here is how bacteria spread:

Direct transfer of Bacteria

Bacteria transfer from one person to another. It’s become one of the most common ways of spreading disease. This occurs when a sick person comes in direct contact with the healthy person. This can happen through coughing, sneezing, touching, sexual contact, kissing, or blood transfusion.

Germs can travel with Animals

Bacteria also live in the body of animals. When such animals bite or scratch us, it can result in the transfer of bacteria to your body. It can also be airborne. For example, when you scoop your cat’s litter box, bacteria can enter your body when you inhale the particles from the feces that have become airborne.

Ingesting Contaminated Food and Water

There are many disease-causing bacteria present in food and water. Some bacterial species, for instance, Salmonella, E.coli, are present in uncooked food. Besides that, they can also be present in unwashed fruits, vegetables, and water polluted with human feces. Germs can cause food poisoning and affect your stomach. When you drink unfiltered water, eat uncooked meat, or unwashed fruits and vegetables, you expose your body to bacteria.

Microbes are Everywhere!

From your mobile screen to your doorknobs, to your toilet seat, and your electric switches. From your laptop to your favorite perfume bottle, bacteria are everywhere. You might be wondering, “Nobody touches my mobile, except me”… So now, let’s imagine a scenario. An ill person, carrying disease-causing bacteria, touches a doorknob. As a result, bacteria will transfer from his hands to the doorknob. When you touch the doorknob while holding your phone in hands, your phone will become a carrier for those bacteria. Thus, you will become a petri dish for those bacteria. Fortunately, there is a way to prevent bad organisms from entering your body.

The solution is simple!!!

Let’s continue with the doorknob example. After touching the doorknob, you might reach your face or eyes, itch your nose, eat something. Those bacteria from your hands will enter your body. Meanwhile, if you washed your hands, you could have prevented the spread of bacteria.



One of the most effective shields against bacterial prevention is washing your hands. A general rule of thumb for washing your hands is to wash for 20 seconds. Sing happy birthday to yourself twice, every time you wash your hands. This will make sure you have cleaned your hands throughly.


First, open the tap and wet your hands with water.


After that, apply soap or two pumps of hand wash, so that the lather covers your hands.


Rub the foam on your hands.


It’s time to clean between your fingers.


Rub the palm of one hand with the back of the other hand, and vice versa.


It’s time to clean your nails. Rub your nails against the palm of the other hand and vice versa.


Grab your wrist and rub with a twist motion with your other hand and vice versa.


Clean your right thumb with the left hand and vice versa.


Rinse the soap with water.


Dry your hands with a towel or clean tissues.

* Don’t forget to use a tissue to close the tap.

Note: If you don’t have soap available, use hand sanitizer, and follow the same steps.



You already know the answer to this. It is quite surprising, that our hands carry thousands of disease-causing bacteria. The twenty seconds that you will spend at the sink washing your hands will save you hours from being ill or even a visit to the doctor. In particular, germ-free hands have the potential to save lives. Here is how washing our hands helps us:

Prevents Bacilli

Above all, washing your hands prevents bacilli from entering our body from openings, like our eyes and mouth.

Healthier Lifestyle

Food prepared with unwashed hands becomes infected. Bacteria will keep on multiplying in it, and will infect the person that eats the food.

Destroys Pathogens

Pathogens transfer from dirty hands onto objects, such as washroom faucets, doorknobs, tables, shelves and more.

Stops Diseases

Washing hands can result in the prevention of diseases. For example, diarrhea, e. coli, skin, and respiratory infections

Healthy Neighborhood

Washing your hands, results in an healthy community. Indeed, a proper hand washing routine results in protecting one out of three kids from diarrhea. Similarly, it prevents one out of five pneumonia cases.

Prevents overusing Antibiotics

Washing your hands regularly prevents the overuse of antibiotics.

Helps against Antibiotic Resistance

Furthermore, hand washing helps to fight against antibiotic resistance too. .


Ph 2.5 strong acidic water is also known as hypochlorous acid water.

It has the extreme power to act as a bacteria killer.

  • Ph 2.5 water power is perfect for killing microorganisms on any surface. For instance, on human skin, tabletops, foods, counters, plants, and more.
  • Strong acidic water also acts as a disinfectant for surfaces and foods in hospitals and food restaurants. From medical clinics to salons, from restaurants to nursing homes, they all use Ph 2.5  strong acidic water.
  • Paramedics use this bacteria killer for cleaning open wounds and killing disease-causing bacteria.
  • Ph 2.5 water acts as safe surface sanitizer for use in homes.
  • In particular, this amazing water kills all dangerous strains of bacteria.
  • It is safe to use as a hand sanitizer, mouthwash, or to clean your skin.
  • Its main use in many industries, is for killing germs. 
  • Additionally, the US Center for Disease Control recommends it. In the United States, it was even approved for food disinfection in the year 2003.

Simple, but best

This saying never loses its worth; prevention is better than to cure.
To sum up, washing your hands results in the prevention of disease-causing bacteria. Doctors recommend always to use alcohol-based hand wash liquids or soaps.
That makes sure, hands are free from bacteria. We cannot neglect the Ph 2.5 strong acidic water power in such a scenario as well.

To learn more on

The Benefits of drinking
Alkaline Water

Click Here

Here’s a video by Mark Rober that demonstrates how bacteria spreads:

All in all, wash Your Hands for 20 seconds every time.

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